interview with Stefano Guindani

Presented in September 2021, BG4SDGs – Time to Change is Banca Generali’s project through which, alongside the famous photograph Stefano Guindani, we investigate the state of achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.

Through a series of actions and initiatives, the Bank’s main objective is to promote multi-level sustainability, generating a positive impact on society in its efforts towards solving the main global issues relating to the environment, communities and corporate governance.

Adopted as a framework of reference, the 17 SDGs represent a real roadmap to enhance the work and commitment of all the people working in favour of peace, equality and wellbeing, through the development of innovative projects.

In this perspective, our project has two narrative keys: on the one hand, it pursues the aim of raising awareness on issues associated with climate change and social inequalities, on the other it intends to show how communities, institutions and businesses may unite to develop innovative projects for the benefit of all and for a long-term sustainable growth.