The photos
of 17 goals of
development sustainable

The Zone 3 landfill in Ciudad del Guatemala accommodates more than 30,000 people whose survival depends on garbage. Reducing poverty urges international synergies and education is essential for a better future.

According to estimates, almost 800 million people in the world are still suffering from malnutrition. In Zambia, hydroponic gardens offer an answer to this issue.

Kazim Gürbüz, a 101-year-old yoga teacher, wakes up early every morning to jog and swim in the sea. His age sets him apart from many fitness enthusiasts. Although 400 million people today have no access to health care services, each person, just as Kazim does, can make the difference in tackling this inequality.

The world’s right to education is fragile, with over 250 million children excluded from education. In India, the implementation of the "Right to Education Act” brought improvements to the village of Paritewadi. Ranjitsinh Disale, winner of the Global Teacher Prize, promoted the education of young women of the village.

Francesca Pardini, a former Italian racing driver, has become the first woman instructor to teach women to drive in Saudi Arabia after this ban was lifted in 2018. Pardini is senior instructor at the Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi.

According to the latest United Nations report, 3.6 billion people face inadequate access to water for about one month each year. The lack of water is further worsened by climate change. Singapore represents a successful model in the management of limited water resources thanks to the NEWater technology, which purifies wastewater.

The Aurora Solar Park is the largest photovoltaic plant in North America. It produces 210 million kWh per year, without generating CO2 emissions, powers homes and businesses and supports the local economy.

Gold mining in Colombia has significant environmental and social impacts. About 350,000 people carry out work in the gold sector, but they often suffer from internal conflicts, child labour and discrimination. Since 2018, the Fairmined initiative has certified the gold mined sustainably and without the use of mercury, fostering the development of mining communities.

Investment in infrastructure is essential to ensure the fundamental rights of a city's inhabitants. Hong Kong is experiencing explosive growth and the Chinese government is promoting sustainable mobility, including an ambitious Smart City project. The 55-km long Hong Kong Zhuhai-Macao Bridge unites important Southeast Asian economies, improving the quality of life of millions of people who pass through the area daily.

More than 2 million homeless people live in advanced countries. The USA and Northern Ireland are the most impacted. Guindani documented the homeless situation in Belfast and the story of the innovative project "Housing First Belfast," launched in 2013 by the Helm Housing institute to offer housing and useful support to combat this form of social exclusion.

Mjøstårnet is the tallest wooden skyscraper in the world, built without using concrete and steel. It is able to absorb CO2 emissions from the surrounding air and to represent a sustainable breakthrough in the building sector.

Ecopneus is an Italian consortium that manages end-of-life tyres in Italy. It recovers and recycles them to build athletics tracks and football and basketball courts in the outskirts of cities.

In the Svalbard Islands climate change generated by human action, which is increasingly jeopardising animals’ survival, is undeniable. Scientists are working on solutions to reduce its effects, including by sprinkling the black rock with white sand.

In 2022, Maldives celebrated the Golden Jubilee of tourism. Although the tourist sector significantly contributes to the country’s GDP, the rapid climate change represents an urgent threat. Cooperation projects protect the marine fauna and corals.

The IPBES report reveals that 25% of the world's fauna and flora is threatened and 1 million species are facing extinction. BG4SDGs - Time to Change highlights the importance of biodiversity conservation and the work being done by Virunga National Park rangers to protect gorillas.

Peace and justice: the example of the Peres Foundation's socio-economic cooperation and peace building.

Amref has launched the “Heal” project to fight climate change in the Chalbi Desert, Kenya. Sensors and weather stations help shepherds protect their livestock. The project also includes healthcare and cultural facilities.